Premiere 2024


30th September

Glorieta Sta. María de la Cabeza , 5 - 28045 Madrid

3:30 PM: Director’s Presentation "An Extraordinary Shoot"
3:50 PM: Film Screening

* With the presence of part of the production team

A movie from 2023

based on 25,000 meters of film
negatives shot in 1983

In the 1970s, groups of young Europeans ventured into the Sahara Desert with the intention of crossing it and experiencing «an adventure.» Ill-prepared, reckless, and ignorant of the terrain they were traversing, they faced life-threatening situations with unexpected consequences.

From the passion of these young people for adventure, the world’s most famous rally was born.

«Fin de Viaje, Sahara» tells one of these adventures.

Press and Academy Screening

2nd October at 9:00 PM

9:10 PM: Director’s Presentation «An Extraordinary Shoot»
9:25 PM: Film Screening

* Attendance at this film screening is reserved for press and film academy members.

In 1985, Antonio R. Cabal released a film titled «Sahara.» With significant media impact, it was distributed by Warner, won several awards, and was exported to over 25 countries, becoming the first Spanish film sold to China. In 1990, he withdrew the film from the market, canceling or allowing contracts to expire, and it was last seen on TVE in 1992. It was never digitized, not released on DVD, nor distributed on platforms.

Now, we have recovered the original 25,000 meters of unused negative film, completed remastering, restoration, editing, and post-production of the original material, both in image and sound. This has given rise to a new film, «Fin de Viaje – Sahara,» featuring over 1 hour of new visual material and new plotlines. Unprecedentedly, after obtaining the Spanish nationality certificate as a new film in 2023 from the Ministry of Culture, we are releasing it again for distribution in national and international cinemas.

The film is remarkable for its production process and its narrative. In this case, it tells the story of two Madrileños who, in 1973, decide to cross the desert in a Land Rover. When they encounter three Frenchmen, their journey becomes complicated with a love story and a confrontation with desert pirates. Furthermore, their coexistence in a Tuareg village is enriched by the presence of a mysterious girl and a Tuareg princess, adding a magical touch to this adventure.

It is a true and authentic «road movie» covering 7,200 km through treacherous trans-Saharan tracks, with a challenging production that culminates in a Tuareg village deep in Algeria. It is a commercial product with impressive cinematography, high technical quality, outstanding performances, and original music and songs.

It is an extraordinary product.

Movie Frames Gallery

Film Sahara
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Film Sahara
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
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Filming Gallery

Film Sahara
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Film Sahara
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
Antonio R. Cabal
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Antonio R. Cabal

Director and screenwriter

Graduated in Geography and Art History from the Complutense University of Madrid, he developed his interest in photography after his trip to Gabon in 1973. He created an advertising photography studio and expanded his studies in Image and Sound at the same university. He worked as a still in films between 1981 and 1982 and debuted as a screenwriter, director and producer in «Sahara» in 1983, distributed by Warner and finally premiered at the Palacio de la Música in Madrid. It is sold to 25 countries and is the first Spanish film acquired by China for exhibition in cinemas and television.

He then worked with Telson on advertising projects for 5 years and completed a Master’s degree in film writing in 1991.

Currently, he stands out for his projects in development such as «Journey to the Fantastic World of Gloria Fuertes» and «Prohibido Reír». In 2021, he co-produced the feature film «Huidas y Ausencias» directed by Rafael Alcázar. In 2023, after 19 years of production, he directs and produces «Fin de Viaje Sahara» based on discarded material from the 25,000 meters of negative filming made in 1983.

Artistic team (Spanish)

Imagen 1
Antonio Junco
Imagen 2
Maru Valdivielso
Imagen 3
Enrique Simón
Imagen 4
Luis Hostalot
Imagen 5
Pep Corominas
Protagonists Gallery

Artistic team (Algerian)

Imagen 1
Amoumen Oumma
Imagen 2
Boukheba Amoumen
Imagen 3
Belkhir Ibrahim
Imagen 4
Ghassissi Hadd
Imagen 5
Amoumen Chngedi
Imagen 6
Boughrari Ahmed
Imagen 7
Abdouali Abdelkder
Imagen 8
Ben Azaoui Farid
Imagen 9
Abdelli Messoud
Imagen 10
Khmayas Abdelkrim
Imagen 11
Zegri Aicha Chdgr
Imagen 12
Tata Abdelli
Tuareg Actors Gallery >

Direction team

Imagen 1
Antonio R. Cabal
Director and screenwriter
Imagen 2
Paco Periñán
Direction assistant
Imagen 3
Eva Lesmes

Executive production

Imagen 4
María R. Palao
Executive production

Production team

Imagen 5
Carlos Taillefer
Production manager
Imagen 6
Lola R. Cabal
Imagen 7
Soledad Polo
Production assistant
Imagen 8
Raúl Perotti
Direction and production Gallery >

Photography team

Imagen 5
Javier Salmones
Director of photography
Imagen 6
Joaquín Manchado
Camera assistant
Imagen 7
Juan Masides
Camera assistant
Imagen 8
Pilar Catalán
Camera assistant

Healthcare and catering team

Imagen 1
Marcial López-Diéguez
Chief med. officer/intendance
Imagen 2
Antonio Murube
Quartermaster asist.


Imagen 3
Ana López Puigcerver
Hairdressing makeup

BTS Photographer

Imagen 4
Tony Andradas
BTS Photographer
Technical team Gallery >
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Executive producer

María R. Palao


Antonio R. Cabal

Private Screening

October 19th at 18:15

Attendance to this movie screening is reserved for the film crew, individuals involved in the project, and personal guests. 

If you are a distributor, sales agent, producer, or related to the media, please indicate:

Pase privado

19 de octubre a las 18:15

La asistencia a esta proyección de la película está reservada al equipo de rodaje, personas involucradas en el proyecto e invitados personales.
Si es distribuidor, agente de ventas, productor o relacionado con los medios de comunicación, indíquelo: